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Chevening Awards

About the award

Level: Masters
Course: Any full-time 1-yr Master's course.
Country: All
Value: Full tuition fees, living costs and flights.
No. of awards: Unlimited number at Queen Mary (around 2000 across the UK)
Deadline: Chevening Applications for 2024 are now closed.

More information

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Queen Mary works closely with the Chevening - the UK government’s international scheme aimed at developing global leaders - to provide a large number of full scholarships for study on our one-year Masters courses.

Every year we host a large cohort of the 2500 Chevening Scholars who come to study at universities all over the UK. Generally we welcome around 60 scholars each year but there is no cap on this number.

Our Chevening Scholars play an active role in our lively and diverse student community and are invited to attend our annual International Scholars Reception, as well as a variety of other scholarship events throughout the year. Chevening are publishing lots of useful tips and videos to help you with your application on their Facebook page 

The Awards

Chevening Scholarships are available for students from almost all nationalities except those from the EU or USA.

All Chevening awards cover full overseas tuition fees, as well as providing a stipend for living costs, air-fares, and a variety of other expenses.

Chevening Scholars also benefit from a year-long programme of events helping you experience the best of British culture and to make the most of your time in the UK.

How to Apply

Applications for all scholarships must be made directly to Chevening: full details on how to apply are available on Chevening’s webpages. Applications for September 2024 entry are now closed. 

All 12 month full-time Masters courses are eligible for this award. Those starting in January or lasting longer than 12 months are not eligible. Online courses are not eligible.

Candidates should also apply for their chosen Master's programme at Queen Mary through our online portal in the normal way. Candidates are encouraged to apply to Queen Mary before February to ensure that their application can be processed in a time to meet Chevening’s deadline for the confirmation of their unconditional university offer in July. 

The Chevening deadline to receive and submit at least one unconditional UK university offer is 17:00 BST (UK time) on 11 July 2024.

Meet our scholars

Our 2023/24 Chevening Scholars 

Some of our 2023/34 Chevening Scholars at Chevening Site Visit, held at our Lincoln's Inn Campus in October 2023.



Nawsheen Maghooa, Mauritius. 

Nawsheen is currently enrolled on our LLM Comparative and International Dispute Resolution programme.

We asked Nawsheen "What one piece of advice would you give Chevening applicants?" 

"For those aiming to be #chosenforchevening, my key advice is to be authentically you. The reason why the interview questions stay the same every year is because the interviewers are interested in more than just your academic qualifications. They want to know you as a person, your dreams and goals and the distinct perspective you bring.

Embrace your authenticity- this not only enhances your application but also contributes to the diversity of the Chevening community. By expressing your genuine self, you not only make a lasting impression but also add a personal touch to a competitive selection process. 

Remember, being true to yourself is a strength that can make a significant difference in your Chevening journey. So, confidently showcase your genuine self, and let your distinctiveness shine through.”

Get in touch

For more information about the Chevening Awards at Queen Mary please contact Flora Mckay at  

To contact the alumni ambassador for your country please check out the international office pages.

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