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English and Drama

Advanced Tutorial

Introduction: The Advanced Tutorial

Before attempting the advanced tutorial, we suggest you complete the Basic Tutorial.

The advanced tutorial attempts to do two things. The first set of exercises introduces more complex books and articles, allowing you to build on the rules you learnt in the 'Basic Tutorial'. The final set of exercises introduces you to new resources to cite: films, web resources, newspaper articles, manuscripts, and theses.

The advanced tutorial is similar to the basic tutorial in its layout and structure, but two new points to note:

  • The advanced tutorial is linear and you can work your way through each exercise in turn. However, you can also simply select from the margin whichever resources are most pertinent to your work. Though do be sure to read the Citation of a Book: Further Advice page and the introductory page for each resource.
  • You can still click the 'Check your Footnote Now' button to assess your footnote. However, in some of the examples that follow there are one or more ways to cite accurately the source, and the automatic checker will not always register this fact. You are advised always to check the hidden notes under each example where we expand on some of the different ways of citing a work.

Citation of a Book: Further Advice >>>

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