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English and Drama

Exercise 3

Exercise 3: A Book

For this exercise, imagine you wanted to cite page 80 of this book.

Note: It's slightly unclear in the above picture, but the first named place of publication is Harlow.

Correct footnote:

Your footnote above should look like this:
Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle, *An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory*, 3rd edn (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2004), p. 80.
In your own work, the same footnote would look like this:
Andrew Bennett and Nicholas Royle, An Introduction to Literature, Criticism and Theory, 3rd edn (Harlow: Pearson Longman, 2004), p. 80.


This exercise was all about how to provide edition information. So note its placement and presentation. And note that, as ever, we give the date of the specific edition we are citing (so in this case the third edition of 2004, not the editions of 1995 or 1999).

It would also have been acceptable to name 'Pearson Education' as the publisher of this volume.

Note that there is no full stop after 'edn'. This is because 'edn' is a contraction (of edition), not an abbreviation. Contractions end in the last letter of the full word (like Mr, Dr, Jr, vols, edn) and do not take a full stop. Abbreviations do not end in the last letter of the full word (like ed., trans., vol., p.) and do take a full stop.

Exercise 4: A Book >>>

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