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English and Drama

Exercise 5

Exercise 5: A Book

For this exercise, imagine you wanted to cite page 72 of this book.

Type your answer in the box below. Tip: Take particular care over the details of publication.

Correct footnote:

Your footnote above should look like this:
Robert M. Jordan, *Chaucer and the Shape of Creation: The Aesthetic Possibilities of Inorganic Structure* (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1967), p. 72.
In your own work, the same footnote would look like this:
Robert M. Jordan, Chaucer and the Shape of Creation: The Aesthetic Possibilities of Inorganic Structure (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1967), p. 72.


In this example simply writing (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1967) could have caused confusion. So we give the official two-letter USPS abbreviation for 'Massachusetts'. This abbreviation differs in form from other abbreviations you will use: both letters should be capitalised, and the abbreviation does not end in a full stop.

Exercise 6: A Book (with a long title) >>>

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