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English and Drama

Exercise 2: Another Film

Exercise 2: Another Film

For this exercise, imagine you wanted to cite this film in detail. You want to record the title, director, two main performers, production company and date of the film, as well as the medium, distributor and date of this DVD.

Correct footnote:

Your footnote above should look like this:
*Bringing up Baby*, dir. by Howard Hawks, perf. by Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant (RKO Radio Pictures, 1938), on DVD (Warner Home Video, 2005).
In your own work, the same footnote would look like this:
Bringing up Baby, dir. by Howard Hawks, perf. by Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant (RKO Radio Pictures, 1938), on DVD (Warner Home Video, 2005).

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