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English and Drama

Abbreviations found in citations

Abbreviations and Contractions

In creating your own footnotes, and in reading others' footnotes, you will encounter a range of abbreviations and contractions. This page summarises the most common ones you'll encounter. Note the various forms used. And remember the distinction between contractions and abbreviations: contractions end in the last letter of the full word (like Mr, Dr, Jr, vols, edn) and do not take a full stop. Abbreviations do not end in the last letter of the full word (like ed., trans., vol., p.) and do take a full stop.

These abbreviations/contractions are mostly taken from the MHRA Style Guide. Where the MHRA do not offer an abbreviation/contraction for a term, we offer here a commonly used possibility. This list does not include the USPS state abbreviations.

ed. by edited by
trans. by translated by
comp. by compiled by
rev. by revised by
dir. by directed by
prod. by produced by
perf. by performed by
scr. by screenplay by
comp. by composed by
cond. by conducted by
dram. by dramatised by
adap. by adapted by
ed., eds editor, editors
edn edition
vol., vols volume, volumes
repr. reprinted
ser. series
n.s. new series
o.s. original series
s.s. supplementary series
e.s. extra series
[n.p.] no place
[n. pub.] no publisher
[n.d.] no date
p., pp. page, pages
l., ll. line, lines
fig., figs figure, figures
fol., fols [sometimes f., ff.] folio, folios
n., nn. note, notes
para. paragraph
MS, MSS manuscript, manuscripts
r recto
v verso
fasc. fascicule

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