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English and Drama


Concluding Remarks

Congratulations! By successfully working your way through the last six exercises, you have given yourself a basic grounding in how to reference the key resources that you will be citing in your work. It's important that you remember the rules described in these exercises, and that you follow them accurately in your own citations. But this basic tutorial is only the beginning, and this site offers two ways in which you can enhance your citation skills further:

1) More Resources; Harder Resources

This site includes an Advanced Tutorial. This tutorial introduces you to new resources to cite, such as newspaper articles, internet resources, films, and manuscripts.

The advanced tutorial also offers more complex examples of some of the resources that you've encountered in the basic tutorial. This includes multi-volume works, books that are part of a series, texts in a foreign language, and books in revised editions.

2) Good Citation Practice

This site also includes a discussion of Citation Techniques and Theory. This section answers some of the broader questions (What are citations for?) and gives instruction in the technical aspects of accurate citations. In particular, it provides useful advice on how to Limit your Footnotes. It is important to remember that you only need to provide a full footnote the first time you cite a resource; subsequent references can appear in an abbreviated form.

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