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English and Drama

Exercise 1: A Book

Exercise 1: A Book

Here's your chance to practise producing a straightforward footnote to a book. Remember, the footnote needs to include:

  1. Author's name (followed by a comma)
  2. Title of book (in italics, in full, with all principal words capitalised)
  3. Details of publication in parentheses (place of publication: publisher, date)
  4. Page number(s) (preceded by a comma and 'p.' or 'pp.'; followed by a full stop)


For this exercise, imagine you wanted to cite page fifteen of this book.

Type your answer in the box below, remembering to enclose titles in *   * to indicate italicisation.

Correct footnote:

Your footnote above should look like this:
Lawrence Manley, *Literature and Culture in Early Modern London* (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 15.
In your own work, the same footnote would look like this:
Lawrence Manley, Literature and Culture in Early Modern London (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1995), p. 15.


As this is an unchanged reprinting of the first paperback edition, the date of publication should be given as 1995, not 1997. If the book had (hypothetically) been revised into a second edition, rather than simply reprinted, the footnote might read:
Lawrence Manley, Literature and Culture in Early Modern London, 2nd edn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997), p. 15.
The issue of referencing subsequent editions of books is covered further in the 'Advanced Tutorial'.

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