1.2.1 Relative Values report (2020)
Research Output (Physical item)
After the data collection the combined research team analysed the data and produced a final report of insights. The Relative Values methodology enabled each of the four partners to produce context specific evidence about the socio-economic impact of their work in fragile urban territories. Each partner has presented their data in cultural policy forums, which is allowing them to inform and shape debates about how vulnerable urban communities need to be included and referenced in strategic development for the creative economy. Relative Values is proving itself an effective tool to engage the general public, cultural industries, government and charitable organisations (e.g. Trusts and Foundations) in debates about cultural value. By piloting a methodology for evaluating how creative economy initiatives encourage socio-economic empowerment within territories that are outside the traditional reach of the cultural industries, HERITAGE has attracted interest for further development of the research in both Brazil and the UK.
1.2.2 Relative Values Datasets (2018)
Research Output (Physical Item): CONFIDENTIAL
The four organisations each produced a set of data about the impact of their own work in fragile urban territories.
These items include sensitive data and may not be published. Data sets: Battersea Arts Centre
Research Output (Physical Item): CONFIDENTIAL
This item includes sensitive data and may not be published. Data sets: Contact Theatre
Research Output (Physical Item): CONFIDENTIAL
This item includes sensitive data and may not be published. Data sets: Agência
Research Output (Physical Item): CONFIDENTIAL
This item includes sensitive data and may not be published. Data sets: Maré Development Networks
Research Output (Physical Item): CONFIDENTIAL
This item includes sensitive data and may not be published.