4.2 Research Insights
Contextual Material
The overall finding from the Multi-Component Output has been that ethical and equitable cultural exchange between indigenous and non-indigenous cultural practitioners and scholars is an essential methodology for the delivery of positive economic and social impacts for beneficiaries. This fourth component has demonstrated that this type of cultural exchange can provide the foundation for artists and creative organisations to re-position themselves in order to respond to urgent and immediate threats facing indigenous communities (such as the COVID-19 pandemic and 2020 forest fires).
4.2.1 Photo Essay
Creative Practice Research Output
Photo-essay evidencing the development impact of fundraising activities organised by HERITAGE and TAKUMÃ Kuikuro through the partnership between AIKAX and People’s Palace Projects in response to COVID-19.
4.2.2 A view from the Xingu
Creative Practice Research Output
Video produced by HERITAGE and TAKUMÃ Kuikuro as part of the re-framing of an online streamed version of The Encounter (2020), which incorporated new footage produced by HERITAGE with TAKUMÃ Kuikuro. [Film seen by 7,071; Estimated audience for The Encounter: 209,000.]
4.2.3 Online discussion hosted by Complicite, May 2020
Contextual Material
Online discussion hosted by Complicite to extend understanding of indigenous experiences of COVID-19 among non-indigenous publics with MCBURNEY, TAKUMÃ Kuikuro and HERITAGE. [Audience: over 1,000.]