Sylvan Baker
Creative Learning and Education Associate RSA
- Creative Learning and Education Associate RSA
- Associate Artist: People’s Palace Projects; The Clod Ensemble-Performing Medicine; The National Youth Theatre of Great Britain.
- Trustee: Tender Arts, Entelechy Arts, London Bubble Theatre Co.
Dr. Sylvan Baker is an Applied Arts Practitioner, Researcher and Director with 25 years experience of using arts practice to work with communities and young people. He has worked across the UK and collaborated on international projects in Europe and Latin America. Sylvan is committed to widening the scope of practice research to instigate dialogue with the communities that are often the subjects of applied arts research but rarely the co researchers. He is interested in developing way in which the knowledge held in universities can extend beyond the boundaries of the campus and into a range of publics.. This may be across academic disciplines, research sectors or with the wider community. He is excited about the potential offered by the Artistic fellowship to work with practitioners from outside applied arts and across other university faculties.
His current research with Dr Maggie Inchley from QMUL Drama, ‘The Verbatim Formula’, uses verbatim practice to engage with care experienced young people and explore methods for dialogue on the needs of the care system in the 21st Century. He is also developing two further practice research projects:
- Immersive Democracy - an applied arts methodology to promote authentic engagement for all stakeholders in school communities
- The Evaluation Project – research that explores ways in which practice research can use creative methods for evaluation, rather than step outside the discipline for validation.
His future projects will explore the performance of trolling and the intersection of disability art and mental health.