Jade French
The Poetics of Ageing in the works of Mina Loy, H.D. and Djuna Barnes
Email: j.e.e.french@qmul.ac.uk
Website: http://www.jadefrench.co.uk/
My research focuses on ageing in twentieth-century texts by Mina Loy, H.D., and Djuna Barnes. I’m interesting in applying cultural gerontology to modernist contexts to explore embodiment, archives, and lateness. Thinking through lived experience, as well as literary representations of old age, this interdisciplinary project uncovers how these late works are rich, relevant and emblematic of way women are treated and critiqued as they age.
I'm the co-organiser of Decorating Dissidence (https://decoratingdissidence.wordpress.com/) an interdisciplinary project exploring the political, aesthetic & conceptual qualities of craft from modernism to the contemporary. We bring together art practitioners, makers, curators, activists and academics to break down disciplinary boundaries and find new ways to critically engage with feminist art history.
Every month, I help run FACT, a collaborative feminist reading group. Over the course of my PhD I have also hosted a mental health outreach meet-up Research/Interrupted.