Enlightenment and Dissent 20 (2001)
Enlightenment and Dissent 20(2001) [PDF 965KB]
Editorial, vii
David Hartley’s new words for action: ‘Automatic’ and ‘Decomplex’, Richard C Allen, 1-22
Joseph Priestley and ‘the proper doctrine of philosophical necessity’, James A Harris, 23-44
Joseph Priestley on morals and economics: reconciling the quest for virtue with the pursuit of wealth, Vilem Mudroch, 45-87
Socinianism, heresy and John Locke’s Reasonableness of Christianity, Steven Snobelen, 88-125
Review Articles
David Hartley on human nature, Anthony Page, 126-38
Enlightened interventions, K E Smith, 139-45
Mark Goldie ed., The reception of Locke’s politics, H T Dickinson, 146-52
Paul Wood ed., The culture of the book in the Scottish Enlightenment. An exhibition with essays by Roger Emerson, Richard Sher, Stephen Brown and Paul Wood, Christa Knellwolf, 152-55
Harriet Guest, Small change: women, learning and patriotism, 1750-1810, William McCarthy, 156-60
M L Brooks ed., Mary Hays. Memoirs of Emma Courtney, Eva Perez, 160-63
John Locke, Epistola de tolerantia. Epistole gia ten anexithresekia. Eisagoge, metaphrasis, scholia. Introduction, translation and notes by Giannes Plangesis, Politike & Threskia ste Philosophia tou John Locke, David Rees, 164-66
William Godwin, Memoirs of the author of A Vindication of the Rights of Woman. Pamela Clemit and Gina Luria Walker eds., Glynis Ridley, 166-69
Alan P F Sell, Confessing and confessing the faith. Historic witness and apologetic method, Boyd Stanley Schlenther, 169-75
Jeremy Waldron, God, Locke, and equality: Christian foundations of John Locke’s political thought, D O Thomas, 175-81
Peter C Myers, Our only star and compass: Locke and the struggle for political rationality, Catherine Wilson, 181-84
Pamela Clemit, Two Pamphlets on the Regency Crisis by William Godwin, 185-93
[William Godwin], The law of Parliament in the present situation of Great Britain considered, Pamela Clemit, 194-225
[William Godwin], Reflexions on the late consequences of His Majesty’s recovery from His late Indisposition. In a letter to the people of England, Pamela Clemit, 226-48.
Books received, 249-51