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English and Drama

Professor Mojisola Adebayo, BA (Goldsmiths) MA (RHUL) PhD (QMUL) FRSL


Professor of Theatre Writing and Performance Practice



Black British Queer Plays and PractitionersI am a London born theatre artist - performer, playwright, director, producer, facilitator, teacher and researcher. I trained in Theatre of the Oppressed and Physical Theatre. I have worked internationally in theatre, television and radio for over twenty-five years, from Antarctica to Zimbabwe. My (QMUL) PhD thesis is entitled Afriquia Theatre: Creating Black Queer Ubuntu Through Performance. I have been teaching in academia since 1998, mainly at Goldsmiths, University of London, Department of Theatre and Performance. I joined the staff team as a Lecturer in Drama, Theatre and Performance in the School of English and Drama in 2017. I am currently on a fully funded 4 year Research Fellowship at University of Potsdam to undertake ‘White Climate: Afriquia Theatre Literatures and Agri/cultural Practices’ at the University of Potsdam, outside Berlin, Germany.

Professional Activities

Selected activities include:

  • Awarded Research Fellowship at University of Potsdam, Germany, January 2020-September 2022.
  • Awarded Honorary Fellowship of Rose Bruford College, 2019.
  • Inducted as a Fellow of AICRE: Africana Institute for Creativity Recognition and Elevation, University of California – Irvine, 2019.
  • Associate Artist of Black Lives, Black Words (the theatre expression of Black Lives Matter, USA / UK), since 2019.
  • Nominated and inducted as Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, 2017.
  • Artist-in-residence aboard the Selina Cooper Floating Arts Centre on Lancashire Canals, idle women (funded by Arts Council England, Super Slow Ways and the Canal and River Trust), June-August, 2016.
  • Independent Mentor to young and emerging Black, Asian, D/deaf and Disabled theatre artists (ongoing).
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