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English and Drama

Professor Ruth Ahnert, BA MPhil PhD (Cambridge)


Professor of Literary History & Digital Humanities



I grew up in Great Yarmouth, and studied for my BA, Masters, and PhD at the University of Cambridge. After holding a postdoctoral fellowship funded by the Society for Renaissance Studies, I came to Queen Mary in 2010. 

By background I am an early modernist, with a particular interest in book history and epistolary culture. Publications in this area include my first book, The Rise of Prison Literature in the Sixteenth Century (2013), and edited collection Re-forming the Psalms in Tudor England (2015)Since 2012 my work has increasingly engaged in computational methods through various collaborations. Previous work on the application of quantitative network analysis to the study of early modern letters has been funded by Stanford Humanities Center, the Folger Shakespeare Library, the AHRC, and a QMUL Innovation Grant. I am currently Principal Investigator on the large interdisciplinary project Living with Machines based at the British Library and Alan Turing Institute. With Elaine Treharne I am also series editor of the Stanford University Press’s Text Technologies series, which publishes books positioned at the intersection between book history and digital humanities.

You can follow me on Twitter here



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