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English and Drama

Dr Richard Coulton, BA (Oxford) MA PhD (London)


Reader in Eighteenth-Century Studies and Digital Humanities

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 7353
Room Number: ArtsOne 3.14
Office Hours: See QMPlus


I grew up in North Wales and attended secondary school in Chester before reading English at the University of Oxford and an MA in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Romanticism at Queen Mary. An AHRC-funded PhD followed (under the supervision of Markman Ellis) on horticultural networks and discourse in eighteenth-century London. Since that time I have held a Fellowship in Garden and Landscape Studies at Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, DC) as well as a number of academic and professional services roles at QMUL and elsewhere. Currently my work tends to explore intersections between digital humanities, plant humanities, and eighteenth-century studies, with particular interests in histories of natural history and the Indian Ocean / East India Company worlds.

I am committed where possible to collaborative work with institutions in the cultural heritage sectors, and have an ongoing research partnership with the Natural History Museum, London. More locally, I design much of my research and teaching alongside Matthew Mauger. Together we have built Digital Texts, a website showcasing collaborative work on East India Company ships' logs and a student edition of Sterne's A Sentimental Journey.

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