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English and Drama

Professor Mark Currie, MA (Aberdeen), PhD (Cambridge)


Professor of Contemporary Literature



I was an undergraduate at the University of Aberdeen where I studied English literature from 1982 to 1986, and a PhD student at Jesus College, Cambridge from 1986 to 1989. I was an adjunct professor at the University of Syracuse from 1990-91, and lecturer in English at the University of Dundee from 1991-1999.  I was Head of Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Westminster from 1999-2000 and then Professor of English at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge from 2000-05. From 2005-10 I was Professor of Contemporary Writing at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, and Head of the School of Literature and Creative Writing from 2006-09.  I moved to Queen Mary in 2010. My work in this time has focused on the theory of narrative, on literary theory, and contemporary fiction. My early publications included Metafiction in 1995, Postmodern Narrative Theory in 1998 (second edition 2011), and Difference in 2004. Since then my work has concentrated on questions about time in philosophy, fiction and narrative more generally, and my recent publications include The Invention of Deconstruction (2013), About Time (2007, 2011) and The Unexpected (2013).

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