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English and Drama

Dr Aoife Monks, BA PhD (Trinity College Dublin)

Reader in Drama, Theatre, and Performance Studies



Born in Ireland, I did my BA and PhD at Trinity College Dublin. I’ve been based in the UK since 2003, as a Lecturer at the University of Reading, and then Senior Lecturer at Birkbeck, University of London, where I established and directed the BA Theatre and Drama Studies and the MA Text and Performance (with RADA). I joined Queen Mary in 2014 and founded the QMUL Artist Research Fellowship scheme in 2015. I am Co-Director of Research for Drama, and am the QMUL Arts and Culture academic lead.

2019-2020 Curator of the ‘Costume at the National Theatre’ exhibition, Wolfson Galleries, NT London.   

I began collaborating with the Costume Department of the National Theatre in May 2018, to develop an exhibition (October 2019 - July 2020) and a book on their work. Taking an ethnographic approach, this project focuses on the values that inform the practices of the forty-six members of the Costume Department. Drawing on my interviews with the department’s staff, along with actors, designers, costume supervisors and directors, I have used this material to frame the costumes and objects on display, in order to emphasise the cultures of work that helped to produce them. The exhibition and accompanying book were supported by a series of public events, talks and tours over the following nine months, which will brought costume makers together to discuss their work, along with two immersive tours that form part of the Being Human festival.

Arts and Culture

Since 2020 I have been the QMUL Arts and Culture academic lead, responsible for implementing the Arts and Culture Strategy and facilitating initiatives and partnerships with the Arts and Cultural sectors. 

Editorship of Journals

2014-2019     Consulting Editor, Contemporary Theatre Review Journal (Routledge).
2010-2014              Co-Editor (with Prof. Maria Delgado and Prof. Dominic Johnson, QMUL), Contemporary Theatre Review Journal, Routledge: 

Editorial Boards

2020-present, board member, Theatre Survey journal
2010-2014 Member of the Advisory Editorial board for Journeys Across Media postgraduate journal at the University of Reading.  Roles have included attending the annual conference and responding to conference papers and peer review of journal articles; 

Working Group Convenorship

From 2014-2019 I convened the Feminist Research Working Group for the International Federation of Theatre Research with Professor Charlotte Canning.

Prize Judging

2014-2019     Judge for book, public engagement and student publication prizes for the Theatre and Performance Research Association and The International Federation of Theatre Research.
2016-present           Judge for small and large QMUL Public Engagement Grants 


2015-present           Member of QMUL Ethics Committee (Deputy Chair of Panel D since 2019)

External Examining:

PhD: Trinity College, Dublin; University of Prague; Roehampton University, Royal Holloway University of London; Queen Mary University of London


2013-2016 MA Theatre Making, University of Kent
2013-2016 MA Theatre and Performance, Kings College, London. 


2019-present, BA Drama and Theatre Studies, Trinity College Dublin
2017-present, BA Theatre, Brunel University
2012-2014 Theatre and Drama Studies BA, NUI Galway
2009-2013 Theatre BA, University of Surrey 

Academic Service

2017-present           Co-Director of Research, Department of Drama
2014-present           Director of Public Engagement and Impact, Department of Drama, Queen Mary University of London

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