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English and Drama

Dr Martin O'Brien, PhD (Reading), MA (Aberystwyth), BA Hons (Dartington)


Senior Lecturer in Live Art



I am a performance artist and scholar. My practice and research are concerned with the performance and representation of illness and disability. My professional performance work considers and stems from my own existence with a severe chronic illness within our contemporary situation. My practice uses physical endurance, hardship and pain-based practices to challenge common representations of illness and to examine what it means to be born with a life-threatening disease.

I have performed throughout the UK, Europe and the USA including Tate Britain (London), Spill Festival (London and Ipswich), Kapelica Gallery (Ljubljana), Abrons Art Center (New York), ONE National Gay and Lesbian Archives (Los Angeles), and Dansehallerne (Copenhagen). My work has been funded and commissioned by organisations such as Arts Council England, British Council, and the Live Art Development Agency.

In 2022 I was the recipient of a prestigious Philip Leverhulme Prize.

I completed my PhD at the University of Reading and have published on my own work and the work of other artists in books and journals. This has included chapters in several forthcoming books as well as in Contemporary Theatre Review, Dance Theatre Journal, and as editor of a special edition of Performance Research ‘On Medicine’ in 2014. My own work has also been received significant critical attention from other scholars.

I am Head of the Department of Drama.

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