Information for speakers
This page provides essential information for guest speakers at Economics and Finance seminars organised by the School of Economics and Finance, Queen Mary University of London.
The School is located on the third floor of the Graduate Centre on Mile End Road, London E1 4NS (Google map). The Graduate Centre can be accessed via Bancroft Road where it is located on the right-hand side, just before the G.E Fogg Building.
On arrival please report to the School Administration Office, Room GC3.06, 3rd Floor, where a member of staff will meet you.
Nearby tube stations are Mile End (Central, District, and Hammersmith and City lines) and Stepney Green (District and Hammersmith and City lines). Visit to plan your journey.
Before you arrive, you may want to view and download the QMUL campus map or take the virtual online tour.
Where to find people
Please go to the School office, room GC306 (phone +44 (0)20 7882 5871). You will be directed from there. When calling on a mobile phone or from outside the campus, extensions should be prefixed by +44 (0)20 7882.
The School can make arrangements for visitors staying overnight. Please let us know well in advance if you require a reservation by emailing Derek Judge (, copying the seminar organiser responsible for your visit.
Our seminar room is equipped with a computer, data projector, and whiteboard. An OHP is also available for traditionalists.
The School will reimburse seminar speakers' travel expenses. These must be reported on the appropriate claim form; contact Derek Judge ( for further information. The form should be returned together with the relevant documentation (e.g. original receipts) to:
School of Economics and Finance
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
Please include full bank details if you would like to be paid by electronic transfer (otherwise the College will post you a cheque). Note that while claims are normally processed immediately, it can take up to two months for payment to be made.