Congratulations to our 2021 Job Market PhD Students
We would like to congratulate our 2021 PhD students for their recent success in the job market and offer the very best wishes for their professional future.
"We are very proud of this cohort of students and we think their successful placement this year is particularly remarkable, given the very tight market conditions they faced. For Queen Mary, placement of our students in leading academic and policy institutions is ever more a priority", said Placement Directors Dr. Andrea Tesei and Dr. Alessandra Bonfiglioli.
The 7 Phd Candidates on the market have all been offered competitive placement at the following institutions:
- Daniele Caliari - Post-doc WZB Berlin
- Stefano Fasani - Assistant Professor Lancaster University
- Simone Ferro - Post-doc Universita' Statale Milano
- Alex Kontoghiorghes- Economist, Bank of England
- Marco Ovidi - Post-doc Universita' Cattolica Milano
- Maddalena Ronchi - Post-doc Bocconi University
- Chuanping Sun - Assistant Professor Cass Business School