Simon Franklin awarded SEF Impact Champion Prize 2021
The School is pleased to announce that Simon Franklin has been awarded the 2021 SEF Impact Champion Prize. The prize aims to promote and celebrate the positive impact of research being done within SEF on societies and economies locally, nationally and internationally.
Simon’s research on young jobseekers in Ethiopia, published in the Review of Economic Studies, has directly affected the design of the Government of Ethiopia/World Bank Urban Safety Net and Jobs Project (USNJP), which now, as a result, explicitly includes a component of skills certification.
The committee - composed by SEF Research Committee and QMUL’s Deputy Dean for Research (Impact) - received a strong set of nominations showcasing the impressive range of research being carried out in SEF and its impact, at various stages, on policy and practice beyond academia. When reviewing Simon’s nomination, the Committee particularly praised the combination of scholarly achievement, the direct and measurable impact on the lives of hundreds of thousand youths and the scale of the achievement vis á vis the nominee’s early career status.
Congratulations to Simon and the other nominees, who will all be supported by the School in developing their research impact activities further.