MRes and PhD
The School offers doctoral programmes in both Economics and Finance to students planning to pursue research careers in academia, international organizations, central banks, the Government and the private sector.
Students typically enter our doctoral programme via the MRes, a research-oriented programme for students holding an MSc in economics or related disciplines. The MRes includes both a rigorous taught component and a research element. Upon successful completion of the MRes, students can be admitted to our PhD programme.
Generous financial support is available on a competitive basis (please see the Funding section of the MRes pages).
Applicants who already hold an MRes in Economics or Finance can apply directly to the PhD programmes offered through the School.
Past PhD students of the School have progressed well in their research and gained placements in the job market.
Our MRes programmes are research-oriented postgraduate degrees for students in economics, finance or a related field and who wish to progress to a PhD at Queen Mary University of London or elsewhere.
We have an international community of PhD students who contribute to the School's research in areas including macroeconomics, microeconomic and game theory, applied microeconomics, econometrics and financial econometrics, and finance.