Microeconomic Theory
The research conducted by members of this group spans several areas of economic theory. One stream focuses on voting rules and how they affect the aggregation of information in elections. Another area of expertise involves behavioural and experimental economics with an emphasis on bounded rationality and its implications in a range of economic problems such as saving for retirement, the contribution to public goods, the regulation of media outlets or investing into risky assets.
Several members share an interest in various aspects of game theory (e.g., game theoretic approaches to understand how institutions shape individuals and strategies in political parties, game-theoretical agency models applied to voting behaviour, auctions). Finally, various projects focus on decision making under risk and ambiguity (e.g. dynamic choice under ambiguity, formation and updating of subjective beliefs, strategic interaction under ambiguity and their application to public policy).
Members of the group have published in leading economic journals American Economic Review, Econometrica, Journal of Political Economy, Review of Economic Studies, Economic Journal, Journal of European Economic Association, Theoretical Economics, Journal of Economic Theory, Games and Economic Behaviour, Journal of Public Economics. Members of the group are also editors at Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Games and Economic Behaviour, among others. They have also organized conferences and workshops on topics related to dynamic games, uncertainty, network theory, bargaining.
The group would particularly welcome applications from well-qualified candidates interested in pursuing PhD study in any of areas of microeconomics.
Visit our Faculty and Publications for further details.