Dr Richard Saldanha is an expert in both statistical machine learning and quantitative finance. Richard is also an experienced R and Python user, which he uses for teaching and research purposes.
Richard worked in the City of London for over 20 years and was involved in risk, trading and fund management activities at various large established financial institutions. He is still engaged in quantitative finance via Oxquant, a small Oxford-based consultancy that he manages with Dr Drago Indjic.
As well as postgraduate teaching in the School of Economics and Finance, Richard is involved in the AI for Control Problems Project at The Alan Turing Institute.
Richard holds a doctorate (DPhil) in graph theory and multivariate statistics from the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow and Chartered Statistician (CStat) of the Royal Statistical Society; a Science Council Chartered Scientist (CSci); and a Fellow and Advanced Practitioner in Artificial Intelligence of the Institute of Science and Technology – FIScT(AI).
Selected Articles
- Nov 2023 AI in brief: Large language models. LinkedIn.
- Oct 2019 Towards an artificial general intelligence. LinkedIn.
- Jun 2019 So you want to be a data scientist in finance? eFinancialCareers.
- May 2019 The routes to the best machine learning jobs in banking. eFinancialCareers.