Located at the Mile End campus, the Graduate Centre is home to the School of Economics and Finance, providing excellent facilities and resources for students to enhance their learning experience. The seven-storey building features 7,700 square metres of teaching and learning space.
PC Labs, Software and Databases
Two computers labs with a total around 80 PCs.
Trading Lab with 37 Bloomberg terminals (we are one of a few UK Universities with such a lab).
Economic and financial data through Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) (including ComputStat and CRSP), Bloomberg, Global Financial Data, Macrobond, FT.com and The Economist.
A wide range of software packages in the computer labs, including Stata, Scientific Workplace, ArcGIS, Mathematica, Wolfram Finance Platform and Matlab. Students can install some of these software packages on their own computers.
Free online access to The Economist and the Financial Times.
Student Support
The School provides academic and pastoral support to all students.
From year 1 all students are allocated an academic adviser who is available during the academic year to provide any academic and pastoral advice that the advisees might need. Students keep the same adviser for the three years of study and will be able to meet during scheduled office hours or by appointment. Your academic adviser will also be available to write reference letters for employers or for further studies.
In addition to academic advisers, the School has a “Senior Tutor” to support undergraduates during their studies. The Senior Tutor supervises and coordinates the advice system and provides additional support to the academic advisers. The Senior Tutor also acts as a second port of call if the academic adviser is unavailable or unable to address the issue raised by the advisee.
Further support for the student is provided by the Student Support Officer (SSO) who is an admin member of staff available to help students with general administrative queries. The SSO works closely with the Senior Tutor and the Academic Adviser to make sure that students can be supported in the best possible ways.
We offer postgraduate accommodation near campus. Find out more regarding eligibility and application deadlines
The School of Economics and Finance is able to offer excellent facilities and resources to enhance our students' learning experience.