If you're feeling a bit confused, try looking at the QMPlus Student Handbook (please note this is the handbook for 2022/23 and will be updated for 2023/24) to find the answers to your queries. Simply log in with your QM credentials. If you can't find the information you need, try looking at our frequently asked questions below or contact us.
How do I apply to study at QMUL School of Languages, Linguistics and Film?
Find out how to join us by visiting this page.
I need to provide a module syllabus to my home university. Who should I contact?
You should be able to access the module information from our QMplus page, but if anything is unclear you can contact the team on sllf-module-reg@qmul.ac.uk Also each module in our module directory has a named member of staff who acts as the module organiser. Get in contact with that academic staff member via email and they will be able to provide the information that you need in an acceptable format for your home university.
I want to change a module, what do I need to do?
You will be able to change modules in the first two weeks of semester. If you would like to change your choice of modules during your time with us this can be done through our online system "MySIS.” Once you have made the request, SLLF will then approve or reject your change based on the availability of the module. Learn about the module change process here.
My module change request has been accepted but my timetable still hasn't changed, why is this?
Once your module change request has been processed it will be confirmed on MySIS. It will then take about 1 working day for your access to QMplus (our Virtual Learning Environment) to be granted and 2 working days for your timetable to be updated. If your timetable has not been updated, please contact us on sllf-timetable@qmul.ac.uk
I can't access a module area on QMplus even though I am enrolled on the module, what do I do?
Try accessing the module area by typing in the module code or module name on the QMplus search bar whilst you are logged in. If you still cannot access the module area you need, contact us at sllf-digitallearning@qmul.ac.uk
My timetable has been updated but some of my modules are still missing, what do I do?
Get in touch with the relevant School as soon as possible because this probably means you have a timetable clash. You can contact SLLF in on sllf-timetable@qmul.ac.uk
How can I request to change a seminar group?
We can process seminar change requests when you have a timetable clash or have accessibility requirements. Please email us on sllf-timetable@qmul.ac.uk if you need to change a seminar group.
I don't understand what my grade means
You may notice there is a difference in grading in the UK compared to your home institution. UK undergraduate degrees are classified into the following categories:
First-class Honours (70% and higher)
Second-class Honours ( 50% -69%)
Third-class Honours (40% – 49%)
Ordinary/Unclassified (39% and lower)
Who do I speak to about my mental and/or physical health?
If you suffer from any conditions which may affect your health and wellbeing please speak to your Associate Tutor who will be able to help. We have a team of qualified Mental Health First Aiders on campus who will be able to assist you.
What is the Student Health Service?
QMUL have a free Student Health Service available on campus (Geography Building). You should register for this as soon as possible in order to use in an emergency.
I have an emergency and need help
QMUL have 24-hour trained security staff to help provide a safe and welcoming environment to all students. For immediate assistance, call 0207 882 3333. In less urgent situations, call or visit the security control room (France House, Student Village) on 0207 882 5000.
If you have a medical emergency and it is out of hours, contact the Student Health Service if you are registered on 0203 777 7151. You can also contact NHS 111 for free advice or 999 in an emergency (you will not be charged for an ambulance or hospital visit). Keep any and all documentation and inform your Associate Tutor as soon as you are able.
I need to speak to someone, who can I go to?
We understand that studying away from home, although exciting, can be overwhelming. Your associate tutor serves as your advisor while you study with us so do not hesitate to get in touch with them. Alternatively, you can always come to the SLLF Office and speak to someone at the desk (we're very friendly!), you can also contact us on our virtual counter if you can’t come onto campus.
I can't find an answer to my question and I need an answer urgently!
Come and see us! If you email us, we will try to get back to you within 5 working days but if you need an answer urgently, either come to the SLLF office (ArtsOne Building, 1st Floor), we're open Monday to Friday 10 am - 4 pm or on our virtual counter.