Department Blog
This Blog is run by Undergraduate and Postgraduate students of the Comparative Literature and Culture department, with Dr Rachel Bryant Davies
This is a new opportunity for students to hone a range of writing, editing, leadership, mentoring, and marketing skills.
Navigate the tabs to read Blog content, get in touch with or join the committee (, and guidelines for how to pitch and submit your own writing. Joining the committee (contributing and developing a range of different skills) is an accredited activity for your HEAR transcript: please ask for more details.
Contact us:
Current Committee Members (2021-2022)
Chair: Laura Ruiz Viejobueno
Social Media and Marketing Manager: Ilsa Ahmad Anjum
Editorial Team: Ilsa Ahmad Anjum, Benjamin Ayaydin, Joleese Da Silva, Karishma Kaur, Kiran Khandar, Laura Ruiz Viejobueno, Mariam Yusuf
Founding Committee (2020-2021)
Chair: Ciara Briggs
Editorial Managers: Ruby Punt and Laura Ruiz Viejobueno
Social Media Manager: Fatima Sultan
Communications Managers: Lauren Murphy and Benjamin Ayaydin
Editorial Team: Ciara Briggs, Lauren Murphy, Fatima Sultan, Ben Ayaydin