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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

MA in Comparative Literature

The MA in Comparative Literature at Queen Mary is a vibrant and exciting course that gives you plenty of flexibility to shape your own path of study. Our aim is to familiarise you with the latest debates in the field, while encouraging you to pursue your own research interests.

We take pride in the close and friendly working relationship we have with our students. All instruction takes place through intimate seminars designed to generate informed and animated discussions. Our goal is to foster careful reading and lively debate, processes we see as essential for developing thinking and research habits that will serve you beyond the classroom.

Our MA provides ample opportunities to hone your research and writing skills, and our students produce some outstanding work during their time here. For two consecutive years now (2014 and 2015), the prestigious BCLA Arthur Terry prize for best postgraduate essay in comparative literature has been awarded to one of our MA students.

The MA is offered as a one year full-time course, or as a two year part-time course.

Knowledge of one or more foreign languages is desirable but not required.

Our modules often change to reflect the wide-ranging research interests of our staff, so our option modules may not be available every year. For details of the modules on offer during a given year, you can search the the QMUL Online Module Directory. When viewing the directory, you can filter results by School (School of Languages, Linguistics & Film), level (MA = level 7) and code (Comparative Literature = COM and some SML).

Students may take one option module  offered in another MA programme within the Faculty of Arts provided that the MA convenor agrees that this would be beneficial for your intellectual development and research plans.


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