The Fox, a film by MA in Documentary Practice Student He He
He He was a student on the MA in Documentary Practice at Queen Mary, University of London.
Her final film was a documentary on the renowned Chinese writer Pu Songling, whose collection of over five hundred short stories, the Liaozhai Zhiyi, also know as Strange Tales from a Strange Studio, is renowned in China. The film can be viewed here:
He He: 我是一个MA Documentary Practice的学生,能在这里学习是件很快乐而且很值得的事情。大部分的中国留学生都会选择商科,但是我却选择了自己钟爱的纪录片制作。这门课实践性特别强,我不仅需要完成论文,还必须自己独立完成小电影。我在一年的学习里面拥有了4个个人作品,还有8篇的论文。我们有专业的老师教会我们如何使用摄影机,架设灯光,还有不同场景应该如何摄影构图。还有专业的老师细心教导如何使用Final Cut Pro,我们的设备都能随时用学生证件借出,专业的剪辑室也是24小时不间断的开放,老师们特别的认真负责。我的导师是我留学生涯里我遇见过的最负责最热爱中国文化的老师,他给予了我充分帮助和支持。实践出真知,在这一年的学习里,我收获良多。