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Landless Voices II
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Landless Voices II: Gender and Education
/ Reports
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Gender diversity: students' reports
I do not want to see!
Fear of influence
The unusual
Prejudice has no age
Each one is free
Two mouths are made to kiss
Respect for differences
Homosexual marriage
New Times
Not my children!
The acceptance
Get out of the closet
I think he's going to be gay.
Only with the others
The difficult acceptance
Expelled from home
Learning to respect gender diversity
The welcome
The opening for change
The importance of knowledge
The impact of homophobia in school
New family models
Knowledge deconstructs prejudice
The exclusion
The shame
A real story
Sexual division of labour: students' reports
Double journey
Work hours
This is not fair!
Women's service
Hierarchy at work
Inequality in decisions
Equal rights
Social value of work
Why help?
Work or help?
Light and Heavy Work
Collaborative relationships
The learning of the double journey
Different responsibilities
The cultural tradition
Gender stereotypes
Change is possible!
The punishment
Gender hierarchies
Reproduction of the sexual division of labour
Right to choose
Problems of gender and generation
The difficult dialogue on gender inequalities
Changing family work relationships
Gender awareness
Facing gender inequalities
Intergenerational Dialogues
The importance of dialogue
Breaking with the sexist practices
It is not a man’s work
Why cannot the man work at home?
The pursuit of equality in gender relations
The Need to Break Down Taboos
Changing the way of thinking
The importance of education
Project's Impact: institutional reports
Alone, the school cannot handle this
The importance of the gender debate at school
The access to knowledge
Overcoming prejudice
Shifting perception
Partnership working
Reviewing conceptions
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