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Landless Voices II

Homosexual marriage

So it is difficult for us to judge positions there, because the human being itself is a collective construction, and individual as well. We are shaped by the years. Everything is a process of education. [...] And what we do not do is discuss it in our house. This can be as much our fault that it is not discussed, but also of society, of social life. And this opening that we have in school is already a big step. And the reaction that she had there, is what several had here, in the first video that was passed [In Family]. 'My God, two women getting married.' So I think it's a collective construction. It does not have right or wrong, it has positions. We have to learn to accept positions, I think that's it. 


Secondary student boy’s report – morning.

Iraci Salete Strosak Rural State School – Rio Bonito do Iguaçu – Paraná.

Workshop: April 28, 2016.

© Landless Voices II


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