Respect for differences
Student girl 1: So, each one does what he wants, in ones space. I do not judge, I do not come and I say 'I do not like you because you’re different from me'. But I respect. Researcher professor: But what if a friend of yours were homosexual, would you still be her friend?
Student girl 1: Okay, that's already happened and we're still friends, but we distance ourselves.
Student girl 2: It happened to me and it wasn’t a problem.
Student girl 1: But there is no problem in your mind, there is in mine.
Student boy: I just thought it was bad of her to say that, like, we're going to reject what we do not know. I, for example, always get what I do not know.
Debate between secondary school students – morning.
Iraci Salete Strosak Rural State School – Rio Bonito do Iguaçu – Paraná.
Workshop: April 28, 2016.
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