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Landless Voices II

The difficult acceptance

I do not know, but I think most of the time, nobody says anything against it. But, like, no one says anything against it as long as it does not happen to my family, right? Then normally, I think the young people are not talking so much. Pay attention, if you talk too much there is something wrong with you, right. And with the parents there is no dispute. [...] But, it's true, there's no way I can get to my grandfather today and want to argue, right? Even more evangelical. So it does not exist, it cannot. You can even be hit.


Secondary student girl’s report – morning.

Iraci Salete Strosak Rural State School – Rio Bonito do Iguaçu – Paraná.

Workshop: June 9, 2016.

© Landless Voices II


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