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Landless Voices II

Building Equality


The woman in the sink, the man on the stove;

All together, the family can solve.

Man and woman, both are equal and have the same right;

Machismo is not an acceptable sight.


Society is very unequal;

The differences are out of the real.

Often men find themselves the best,

They think they are always on the top,

But they are actually off.


Have you ever tried switching roles?

It`s the only way of knowing how both are cruel 

Domestic work has little appreciation –

It's hard to change,

But it doesn`t hurt to try;

All together, come on.


Many say that it is impossible; but I don`t think so,

Because God made a feast with only one loaf of bread.

If patient and understanding we became

Couples would change this aggressive sense

If everyone could sit, talk,

They could get in peace, take a walk.


Rap composed by secondary school students – afternoon.

Iraci Salete Strosak Rural State School – Rio Bonito do Iguaçu – Paraná.

Workshop: April 7, 2016.

© Landless Voices II


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