Equality between women and men
The division of labour could be established in equality,
Because the woman works equally to the man:
Besides taking care of the house and the children,
She still works outside.
Many women, because they do not have the conditions,
Leave their youngest children with their older children or with one of the family.
Because of this, they participate less in parenting.
There will come a time when this woman
Will have to stay home to take care of the children or another person in the family.
The division of labour could be conceived as follows:
- Wage equality;
- No prejudice;
- Men and women working together.
In society, prejudice against women is huge.
This exposure to prejudice leaves them vulnerable
To the machismo that occurs at any moment.
Society should be aware
That women deserve to be respected in all spaces:
At schools,
At colleges,
At work,
At home,
In parks,
At nightclubs;
Anyway, everywhere.
We need humanity in society
To have more happiness around us.
Rap composed by secondary school students – night.
Contestado Rural State School – Lapa – Paraná.
Workshop: June 15, 2016.
© Landless voices II