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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

IFP in Business and Management

The International Foundation Programme in Business and Management (IFP BM) offers a bespoke route to undergraduate degrees in Management and Business related subjects*. It provides pathways to the three areas offered at undergraduate level by the School of Business and Management at Queen Mary: Management, Marketing, and Accounting.

The programme is fully integrated with Queen Mary University of London, which is part of both the University of London and the Russell Group, and includes academic and study skills modules taught by university academic staff.




IFP Business and Management Pathways

The programme provides a pathway to any degree offered within the School of Business and Management at QMUL.  

Each pathway consists of the core modules English Language and Study Skills and Independent Study Project and a combination of four bespoke Business-related modules: Introducton to Business Management, Maths for Business, Management, and either Marketing or Accounting. Students also take a non-Business option.  This document shows which subjects are COMPULSORY and which are OPTIONAL for each pathway: Pathways BM [PDF 33KB]



This document outlines progression requirements for QM degrees: IFP progression requirements [PDF 44KB]   

At least 85% of IFP Business Management student typically progress to QM or an alternative first choice destination. 

QMUL IFP routinely receive offers from other universities in the UK and overseas.  In the last three years, students have progressed to degrees at the following UK universities:

Birkbeck, Birmingham, Brighton, Brunel, Cardiff, CASS Business School, City University London, Edinburgh, Exeter, Glasgow, Goldsmith’s, Greenwich, Kent, King’s College London, London South Bank, Loughborough, Manchester, Middlesex, Newcastle, Nottingham, Queen’s University Belfast, Reading, Royal Holloway, Sheffield, SOAS, Surrey, Sussex, UCL, University of the Arts London, Warwick, Westminster



10 reasons to do the IFP in Business and Management

  1. It's a fully integrated programme, taught on campus by Queen Mary University of London lecturers.
  2. If you meet the progression requirements, you are guaranteed access to undergraduate degree programmes at Queen Mary.
  3. Accommodation on campus is guaranteed if you apply before the 31st of May
  4. You can also apply to other British universities; the IFP at Queen Mary is well respected and widely accepted by institutions throughout the UK and overseas
  5. Standards of teaching and support are excellent, and regularly receive praise from external examiners
  6. You receive a high level of support throughout the UCAS application process.
  7. You have full access to campus facilities including the library, careers service, and sports facilities.
  8. You have full access to University of London facilities including Senate House Libraryand Student Central.
  9. You can start the IFP in either September or January.
  10. Former IFP students typically report feeling AHEAD of their fellow students when they start undergraduate programmes


Teaching and Learning

You’ll receive approximately 17 hours of contact time per week in semester one and 15 hours per week in semester two, comprising lectures, smaller seminar groups and one-to-one tutorials.

You will complete a further 20 to 25 hours of independent study each week.

Sample timetable are available here: Timetable BM [PDF 43KB]  



QMUL is a founder member of the University Pathways Alliance, and the the International Foundation Programme at QMUL is accredited by the British Council.