School of Languages, Linguistics and Film


Spanish on the IFP

In Semester 1 you do Spanish Language and Culture I (a) and Semester 2 Spanish Language and Culture I (b). Each module is worth 15 credits.

Why do this subject?

Spanish is one of the world's great languages with over 350 million speakers across the globe. It is a very rewarding language to learn as it is fairly straightforward at first and students can make rapid progress. A knowledge of Spanish is highly valued by potential employers and also provides a key to a tremendous cultural heritage.

What do you study?

Active and appropriate use of Spanish over a wide range of topics is encouraged. The focus will be on dealing with everyday situations and handling basic texts. Topics include talking about the future and the past, work and career, telephoning, autobiographies, travelling and coping with problems.

How are you taught?

You are taught through a range of activities that promote effective language learning. These include role plays, listening activities and group activities.    

How are you assessed?

You are assessed through coursework in the form of a project and class tests in the four language skills.

Who teaches the subject?

This module is taught by Mr Martyn Ellis. Martyn started work at Queen Mary in 2001. Martyn is the co-author of the Pasos series of Spanish language text books and has many years of teaching experience. 

What else should you know?

Spanish on the IFP is for beginners in the language and is not open to students who have studied Spanish before. IFP students cannot do more than one language. To succeed on this module, you need to be fully committed and understand that learning a language requires regular attendance and self-study. You also need to be prepared to participate in pair and group work in class. If you continue your studies at Queen Mary you can develop their Spanish to a higher level through classes offered by QM's Language Learning service.

You are able to apply to a range of undergraduate programmes within the School of Languages, Linguistics and Film at Queen Mary Univeristy of London. Please note that IFP students are not able to apply to any degree programmes at Queen Mary that involves French unless they have A level standard French. 

You can find our more about learning Spanish here