General information
Thank you for your interest in studying a Language module at Queen Mary. Below you will find the answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Anyone at Queen Mary or from the local community who wishes to learn a language can take a Language module. You can start learning a new language or continue with a language you’ve studied before.
Teaching for the first semester of academic year 2024/25 started in the week of the 23rd of September 2024, and registration for year-long and semester 1 modules is closed. Semester 1 runs from week commencing 23 September to week ending 13 December 2024, with a Study Week (no lessons) in the week of 4-8 November 2024.
A number of modules will be offered that can be taken in semester 2. Registration for those is now open. Semester 2 runs from Wednesday 22nd January – Tuesday 15th April 2025, with a Study Week (no lessons) in the week of 3-7 March 2025.
If you’re a Queen Mary student, you can take a language module for credit if this fits with your programme regulations and is approved by your home school. Please see below “How do I choose a language module for credit?” for more information.
If you would like to study a language alongside your degree programme, or you are not a Queen Mary student, you can register for the non-credit bearing version of a module. Registration for semester 2 via our online application form is now open. If you take a language not for credit, you need to pay the tuition fee, or apply to your home School for funding (for Queen Mary students).
If you have a query not covered here, please contact us using the details below.
Modules take place either in Semester 1, Semester 2, or both semesters. You can find the day/times when modules take place on the pages for individual languages. Please check that your timetable allows you to take the module.
A standard module is 2 hours per week and takes place in both semesters. It is not possible to take a standard module for only one semester.
An intensive module is 4 hours per week and it is possible to study in either Semester 1, Semester 2 or both semesters. Certain levels only run in a particular semester, please see the individual language page for further information.
We offer a friendly and professional service together with excellent facilities. Our well-qualified and experienced staff will help you achieve a high level of communication in your chosen language, in both every day and professional situations, and for all levels from beginners (A1) to advanced level (C1) (depending on language chosen).
Our classes are small and usually have a maximum of 20 students in a group. This means classes are highly interactive and students have the opportunity for regular practice and personal engagement with the tutor and other students.
Language modules are taught in-person, on the Mile End campus. Taught sessions are supplemented by activities on the Virtual Learning Environment (QMplus) that you will complete in your own time.
Whether you register for a credit-bearing or a non-credit bearing module, make sure the module you register for is the correct level for you. If you are a complete beginner (i.e., you have never studied the language before), please go straight to online registration. If you have studied the language before, please select your level or take a diagnostic test to ascertain your language level before you complete the online application form.
If you are a Queen Mary student, please check with your Home School whether your programme regulations allow you to take a module for credit, as the School of the Arts cannot advise you on this.
You will need to follow your School’s process for module registration or module change requests (mostly done via the ‘Module Registration Task’ in MySIS). You can also find information on the STA (School of the Arts) module registration 2024/25 page. If there are pre-requisites for your chosen module, you will need to show that you meet them by emailing the relevant qualification to
You can also browse the Queen Mary module directory 2024/25 to find modules. Language modules are either 15 or 30 credits. For modules from the Language Centre, type in your chosen language and look for modules with a LAN code. Please note that LAN modules are usually the most suitable for any student who is looking to study a language not in their degree title.
You do not need to pay for a LAN module which you take for credit. If a credit bearing module is not suitable for you, you can apply for the non-credit bearing version of your preferred module/s. Please see below for information on the certificates and fees for non-credit bearing modules.
If you take a Language module not for credit (whether you are a Queen Mary student or from outside the university) you will receive a Certificate of Completion (which shows the grade and the CEFR-level) if you meet the following criteria:
- Attend at least 65% of the taught sessions
- Take and pass the module assessment
You will receive a Certificate of Attendance if you have attended at least 65% of the taught sessions but not taken the assessment.
See the Tuition Fees page.
For Queen Mary students, some Schools can fund places on Non-Credit Bearing language modules for their students and staff. Please contact your home School administration team to see if this is an option for you.
Refund policy: Please note that fees are not refundable in any circumstances unless we close the class you are attending and we cannot provide you with a suitable alternative.
If you are unsure about your level of study, you can apply for the level which you think is suitable and talk to the tutor at the first class. They may suggest a change of class either straight away or after a few weeks, and they will discuss this with you. Non-credit bearing students will be sent a change form to complete and credit bearing students will need to change on MySIS.
As a non-credit bearing student, you can cancel the module at any time but please note you will only receive a refund if your class has been cancelled and you are not offered a suitable alternative.
Contact Us
For further information please contact the Programme Administration Team at