Josef Mueller

Senior Lecturer and Coordinator of Language Learning
Room Number: Bancroft Building 1.31
I joined Queen Mary in 2019 to lead the institution-wide Language Learning programme, which offers language modules for all QMUL students, staff, and members of the public.
My current teaching includes German language and contributions to modules on the MA in English Language Teaching. My past teaching experience covers teaching intercultural communication and management at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, teaching on a PGCHE (Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education) programme, and supervising undergraduate dissertations.
My administrative and management experience includes departmental and team leadership, leading programme development, and chairing committees, examination boards and programme validation panels.
I have worked as an HE reviewer for the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), have been external examiner at six UK universities, including being award external examiner, and have delivered workshops for university staff on working with international students.
My first degree is from Karl-Franzens Universität Graz (Austria), I completed an MA in International Relations at the University of Nottingham, and am undertaking a Doctorate in Education at UCL-Institute of Education, on the topic of plurilingual and pluricultural approaches to language learning.