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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

MA in English Language Teaching and MA in English Language Teaching with Integrated Pre-Masters (September start only)

There is an increasing demand for teachers of English worldwide, and in a sector which is no longer dominated by native English speaking teachers. Queen Mary’s MA in English Language Teaching is for students with little or no teaching experience who want to improve their understanding of linguistics as applied to English language teaching. On completion, you will join the English language teaching community around the world and be able to teach in both Higher Education institutions and in private language schools and colleges. You may also be able to teach in state schools in your country, depending on the local regulations governing teaching.

  • Practice based programme
  • Professional Dissertation includes CELTA, with hands-on teaching experience and classroom confidence
  • Reflective practice on teaching and learning


You learn the basic methods and theories of language teaching and language learning, and you can also specialize according to your interests. Optional modules include:

  • Curriculum design and materials evaluation,
  • Syntax and vocabulary in Description of Language
  • Discourse analysis to see how texts hang together
  • Research Methods for Applied Linguistics
  • Multimedia materials design and evaluation in our state of the art Multimedia Language Learning laboratories
  • Teaching English for professional and academic purposes

You can also take a special non-credit module in critical thinking and writing for applied linguists to help you achieve the best degree you can.

To help you become a good teacher, you are encouraged to become a reflective teacher: you will observe real teachers in action and reflect on best practice, and you’ll also become a language learner yourself and reflect on how it feels to be in the language learning classroom.


You’ll study two core modules and four optional modules before embarking on your Dissertation Pathway.

Core modules:

  • Approaches and Methods in English Language Teaching
  • Second Language Acquisition

Optional modules: choose four from:

  • Description of Language (syntax and vocabulary – designed for native speakers of English
  • Curriculum Design and Materials Evaluation
  • Methods of Text and Corpus Analysis – learn how texts hang together
  • Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
  • Multimedia Materials Development – learn how to make interactive online materials
  • Teaching English in Professional and Academic Settings – for students who want to teach English for Business, or English for Law, or even English for Academic Purposes

Dissertation: Choose one from:

  • Standard (Research) Pathway – create a question and research design yourself, with the help of your tutors
  • Professional Qualification Pathway – do a CELTA (at a training school of your choice and at your additional expense) and write a critically reflective dissertation on your experience in the context of the theories you’ve learnt on your MA programme.

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