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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Get Spotted: Masterclass on Communicating with Impact

Module code: EAL6208

HEAR transcript: included as co-curricular activities 

Module duration: weeks 5 / 2hrs a week 

Skills Points for doctoral students: 10

Non-credit bearing  

Preparation and assessment: none 

This 5-week module is designed as a series of masterclass workshops offering students a hands-on experience in communicating with impact at university and beyond. Students will learn features of specialised and non-specialised communication and practise crafting texts for different communicative contexts and in a variety of modes and formats. The module will also draw on aspects of emotional intelligence and non-verbal communication in guiding students to take full control of their intended meaning and to impact different types of audiences. 

key skills: speaking/writing with confidence, interpreting different types of audiences, using non-verbal communication techniques

This module will be offered from semester 2 of 2024/25. 


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