Professor Daniel Harbour, PhD (MIT)

Professor of the Cognitive Science of Language
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 5739
Room Number: ArtsOne 1.21
Office Hours: By appointment
My research as a theoretical linguist concerns morphemes, the smallest meaning-bearing units of language. I focus in particular on what understudied, morphologically rich languages tell us about the syntax, semantics, and morphology of such units. Additionally, I am interested in the documentation and preservation of less-studied languages, especially by native and heritage speakers. More recently, I have been studying the relationship between grammar and writing systems.
I am happy to supervise PhD and postdoctoral research clearly connected to my research interests and expertise, such as morphology, morphosyntax, morphosemantics, language description, and the linguistics of writing systems. The PhD Applicant Query Form can be found here. Postdocs should contact me directly.