Aims and objectives
Aims & Objectives
By 2025, the following will have been achieved:
• A cross-disciplinary, international network of academics who utilize diverse approaches to conduct research on gender-inclusive language, transcending linguistic and disciplinary boundaries and focusing on comparative analysis across languages will have been established. Participating academics will have provided an overview of the current state of research concerning the various languages they research. They will have identified desiderata. Ideally, synergies to further advance research will have been identified.
• A network of practitioners from various countries and sectors, including companies, associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and others who work with and in different languages, with a focus on or connection to gender-inclusive language, will have been established. Participating practitioners will have described their work and the impact it has. They will have shared examples of challenges and best practices related to gender-inclusive language. Synergies between their efforts to advance gender inclusivity will have been explored.
• Participating academics and practitioners who have a varied language background and work with or in different languages, will have been able to explore how they can support each other. They will have identified synergies to further advance the application of gender-inclusive language.
• With regard to gender-inclusive language, international cooperation among diverse researchers who work in linguistics and related disciplines will have been encouraged. As a result, we will have achieved conceptual clarity by comparing, improving, and possibly standardising unclear or indistinct terminology that is currently used in various languages and across different disciplines.
• The outcomes of the five research networking activities will be made available to interested academics and practitioners, using the project website repository, as well as various QMUL social media presences. The publication of two edited volumes (printed books) and the stakeholder targeted report takes place in 2025.
Dr Falco Pfalzgraf (QMUL), Organiser of the Research Network