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School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

Jess Lazenby

Jess is studying English Literature and Linguistics BA

A headshot of Jess Lazenby

What made you choose Queen Mary?

Studying at Linguistics Queen Mary was always my number one choice.  After discovering my love for English Literature through GCSE and A level courses, I found that Queen Mary offered a course in English Literature and Linguistics which caught my attention.  This is a joint-honours course which not many universities offered and this allowed me to study both my interests within the same degree.

What’s your favourite aspect of studying at Queen Mary? In the Linguistics Department?

The Linguistics side of my studies ranges from learning about sound systems of spoken language to introducing psycholinguistics and the brain. I’d have to say that my favourite module is Phonology as, through also studying A level Maths, the methodical and data driven aspects of the module were especially interesting to me.

Would you recommend your course at Queen Mary to other students?

Of course, it also helps massively that the professors and lecturers are fantastic! Dr Adam Chong has a particularly engaging and comprehensible teaching style that seriously allows students to want to learn topics as challenging as his. He and my other lecturers all offer office hours during the week which is such a brilliant opportunity to not only seek advice but also build up a rapport with the teaching staff. This would definitely be my piece of advice to all future Queen Mary students!

My goal from the beginning was to become a speech and language therapist and, with the support I’ve received so far, I know I chose the right university to help me achieve that goal.

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