Ahmed Dickinson: Premiering music by the Catalan composer Maria Camahort
When: Wednesday, April 9, 2025, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Where: Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Campus. Arts One building, Pinter Studio
, Mile End Campus

The Centre for Catalan Studies is proud to present guitarist Ahmed Dickinson, who will be premiering music by Catalan composer Maria Camahort.
Ahmed Dickinson is a Havana-born virtuoso guitarist who has performed extensively in the UK, Europe, and North America. He has collaborated with several orchestras including the National Philharmonic of Ukraine, The Docklands Sinfonia and The Bath Festival Orchestra, and has performed at iconic venues including the Royal Albert Hall and Wigmore Hall. A popular recording artist, his performances have been featured on BBC Radio 3 and Catalunya Ràdio. In his concerts, Dickinson often showcases the works of classical composers from the 20th and 21st century, whose contributions deserve recognition among broader audiences. Introducing the works of prominent guitar composers such as Eduardo Martín and Jose Antonio (Ñico) Rojas to European audiences, this latest project features thrilling works from award-winning Catalan composer Maria Camahort, whose innovative New Mediterranean style blends perfectly with Dickinson’s musical sensitivity.
Free and open to all, but registration is essential via Eventbrite.