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Languages, Linguistics and Film

Dr Elena Carrera, LicFil (Universidad de Zaragoza), MA (Nottingham), DPhil (Oxon)


Reader in Comparative Cultural History

Telephone: +44 (0)20 7882 8429
Room Number: Arts One 127
Office Hours: Drop-in Advice and Feedback hours: Tuesdays 2-3pm (Semester One); Fridays 11am-12pm (Semester Two)


I am the Director of the Centre for the History of the Emotions. My teaching focuses on the cultural, literary and social history of Early Modern Spain (modules on Spanish Inquisition and on Cervantes), as well as on comparative European culture (module on Madness Past and Present). I have published on mysticism, nineteenth-century travel writing, the philosophy of Juan Luis Vives, Cervantes, the history of madness (Spain, France and England, 1200-1900), autobiographical writing (from the Middle Ages to WWII), and the history of emotions, particularly fear, anger, empathy and jealousy. My publications include a special issue of the Bulletin of Spanish Studies on madness and melancholy in early modern Spain, and a collection of essays on emotion and health in medieval and early modern Europe. My public engagement activities include a TED talk on nostalgia and hope (in Spanish with English subtitles), which exemplifies my approach to the history of the emotions, a 20-minute video presentation on Women’s Shame in Early Modern Spain and Spanish America, a webinar on García Lorca’s La casa de Bernarda Alba, and an interview for Women’s Hour. My short monograph, Boredom (2023), a short comparative history of boredom from 1500 to the present day, published by Cambridge University Press, is free to download at Boredom ( I am currently completing a monograph on Female Desire and Male Jealousy in Early Modernity for IMLR books.

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