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Languages, Linguistics and Film

PhD in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan and Latin American Studies

We welcome applications for the research offered by the Faculty. Our PhD research students benefit from excellent facilities, academic support and development opportunities within a vibrant research culture.

We can offer expert doctoral supervision in many fields. Have a look at the range of our as well as the activities and research seminars we run. You are recommended to look at our staff specialisms and write to the researcher with whom you would like to work.

For details on admissions, accommodation, fees, funding, international students and open events, or to order a Postgraduate Prospectus, see our Postgraduate page.

Latin American Studies

Sabrina Thompson, ‘Scenes of childbirth in Brazilian and British media: from the objectified to the politicized body’.

Ellen Jones, 'Code-switching and translation: literary multilingualism in contemporary fiction' (co-supervised with Dr Rachael Gilmour, School of English and Drama). Funded, Principal's Open Studentship.

Spanish Literature & History

Catherine Maguire, ‘The (De)construction of the Maternal Subject in Early Modern Spain’, funded by the Wellcome Trust.

D.L. Reid, ‘A Society in Transition: Jews in the Kingdom of Castile from Settlement to Expulsion (1248–1492)’.

Arianna Bassetti, 'Scribbles from the Front Line: Witnessing War, Migration and Violence in Contemporary Graphic Narrative', funded, Principal's studentship. [Comparative Literature].

Sara Torres Rodríguez de Castro, 'The Lesbian Text: Fantasy, Fetish and Queer Temporalities in Hispanic Contemporary Voices', funded, Principal's studentship.

Aitor Rey, 'Jorge Oteiza's Oeuvre: The Intersection of Art, Poetry and Theory'.

Catalan Studies

Laura Soler González, 'The use of humour and irony in the narrative of Pere Calders' (co-supervised with Dr Mari Paz Balibrea (Birkbeck)).

Richard Huddleson, 'Translating Queer, Catalan Theatre for the Irish Stage' (working title).

Linguistics, Language Teaching & Translation Studies

David McDougall, 'Linguistic Variation in the Fazienda de Ultra Mar'.

Isabel García Ortiz, 'Medical vocabulary in 19th- and 20th-century Spanish'.

Melisa Rinaldi, ‘Bare singular nominals’.

Latin American Studies

Miguel Arnedo, ‘Writing Rumba: A Study of the Afrocubanista Poetic Movement (1928-1938)’ (2003).

Azuvia Licón Villapando, ‘Leer la prensa. Edición, autoría y público lector en Soledad Acosta de Samper’ (Co-supervised with University of Los Andes) (2017).

Ángela Dorado Otero, ‘Dialogic Aspects in the Cuban Novel of the 1990s’ (2011).

Annabel Cox, ‘Cuban-American Literature of the One Point Generation: Migration and Cultural Identity’, Draper’s Award & AHRC funded (2006).

Sônia Schwendler, ‘Women’s Emancipation through Participation in Land Struggle: Brazil and Chile’ (2013).

Lisandra Sousa, ‘Protean Ulyssisms in Portuguese Modernism: Reconceptualizations of Nationhood and Interactions with Brazil’ (2016).

Lusophone Studies

Fabrício Tavares de Moraes, ‘O fim do romance? Espaço e tempo como recurso de renovação estética em Lobo Antunes’ (co-supervision, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil) (2016).

Eduardo Batista, ‘Poética da representação cultural: relações teóricas entre literatura de viagem e tradução literária’ (co-supervision, Universidade de Campinas) (2010).

Catalan Studies

Noelia Díaz-Vicedo, ‘Constructing Feminine Poetics in the Works of a Late 20th Century Catalan Woman Poet: Maria-Mercè Marçal’ (2011).

Katharine Ruth Eaton (Kate Eaton), ‘False Alarms and False Excursions: Translating Virgilio Piñera for Performance’ (co-supervised with Prof. Maria Delgado, Drama Dept.) (2012).


Simon Breden, ‘Beyond the Playwright: The Creative Process of Els Joglars and Teatro de la Abadía’ (co-supervised with Prof. Maria Delgado, Drama Dept.) (2009).

Alejandro Melero Salvador, ‘Refiguring Sexual Politics: The Film Narratives of the Spanish Transition to Democracy’ (2007).

Film & Photography

Dominika Gasiorowski, ‘Representing Mexican Otherness: Subalternity in Maya Goded’s Socially Engaged Photodocumentary’ (2014).

Anna Hillman, ‘Carnivals of Transition: Cuban and Russian Film (1960-2000)’ (co-supervised with Dr. Jeremy Hicks, Russian Dept) (2012).

Miranda Shaw, ‘The Retomada and Beyond: Female Narrative Agency in Contemporary Brazilian Cinema’ (2010).

Linguistics, Language Teaching & Translation Studies

James Hawkey, 'Language Policy and Language Contact in Barcelona: A Contemporary Perspective' (2012).

Ángel Osle Ezquerra, 'The Speech Intelligibility of English Learners of Spanish at Key Stage 4' (2013).


Further information

For more information about applying for postgraduate study, please contact:
Postgraduate Studies
Tel: +44 20 7882 8332

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