School of Languages, Linguistics and Film

Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar

Welcome to the Medieval Hispanic Research Seminar (MHRS) based in the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures at Queen Mary, University of London. 

MHRS was founded in 1967 by Professor Alan Deyermond to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of work by graduate students at Westfield College. Since then, it has expanded its remit to include advanced research from scholars at all stages in their careers working on the art, culture, history, languages, and literatures of the Iberian world in the Middle Ages.

  • If you would like to be added to the mailing list, please contact the director: Rosa Vidal Doval.
  • You can follow MHRS on Twitter: @mhrsqmul.


Programme for 2019-2020

All meetings take place at 3.30 and are preceeded by drinks at 3.

Semester 1

11 October 2019, Graduate Centre 2.22

Professor Veronique Duché (University of Melbourne), ’"Traduit de langue Espaignole en la Françoyse": a guarantee of quality?'

6 December 2019, Scape 2.01

Professor Juan Carlos Conde (Magdalen College, Oxford), 'Menéndez Pidal, Américo Castro y la legitimación social de la filología en España'


Semester 2


24 January 2020, Scape 2.01

Cecil Reid (QMUL), ‘Real and Imagined Identities: Portrayal and Self-Portrayal of the Jew in Late Medieval Castile'



20 March 2020, Scape 3.01

Dr Doriane Zerka (QMUL), ‘Reading Oswald through Baena: Iberian perspectives on a medieval German poet’



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