SLLF Research Strategy
Our overarching mission is to foster a diverse and inclusive research environment producing world-class research responsive to global intellectual concerns, to enhance and broaden the impact of our work, and to increase research funding capture in furtherance of these goals.
Our strategic aims are to:
- Produce internationally recognised research that has impact locally, nationally and internationally
- Increase internal and external grant capture by investing in research activities and harnessing institutional funding schemes
- Support the professional development of staff at all levels in accordance with the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
- Monitor and increase the diversity and inclusiveness of our research environment, overseeing and where necessary introducing robust mechanisms to ensure equal opportunity and treatment in all research-related activity
- Foster meaningful interdisciplinary enquiry within the School and Faculty and across the broader University
- Build collaborative research partnerships with both academic and non-academic institutions, nationally and internationally
- Extend the audience for our research by prioritising Open Access avenues for the dissemination of our work